Correct registration link for 2022 membership

Hello all,

The email reminder template that generated emails recently had an incorrect link in it for the form.

Please use this link instead if you have tried the other and are getting an error.

RNA Membership

Apologies for the inconvenience.


Webmaster – RNA Committee

FYI, the rate will go up to $50 starting April 1st!

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  1. 3
    Calin Costian

    Hi Barry,

    Thanks, the link you provided in the reply is working. I have a few suggestions if I may:
    1) When I first logged in, it took me to the WordPress admin page where it asked me to upgrade the JetPack and whatnot. I then had to navigate to the homepage and find the *old* link first which said this is outdated and took me to the new link, where only now, thanks to your comment/reply, there is a link people can click on to get to the right page. Why not provide the correct link (the only in your above comment reply) in the first instance? (also in the automated emails which contain links to the old page). This will avoid visitors having to jump through 3 hoops to get there.
    2) I mentioned this in a separate email regarding making the Renew | Upgrade | Cancel visible
    3) After clicking on the link in your comment reply, the form I see has very short text fields so the descriptions in them are truncated. For example I see “Enter First Name of” and the rest is truncated. “Enter Profession of 1st” and the rest is truncated. All this can be easily fixed if you double for example the length of the text fields.

    Hope this helps, and thanks for all your hard work in maintaining this beautiful site!


  2. 4
    Calin Costian

    A couple more suggestions as I’m going through the process:
    4) The bottom submission button says “Send Mail”, but that is confusing – what if I have no text to email, only submitting the form? It would be much more clear if it simply said Submit, then it would make sense for both the case when you send mail and when you don’t.
    5) After clicking “Send Mail”, it takes me to a page that says Click here to return to the HOA homepage, and the payment area is “secreted away” in the far bottom right corner, I didn’t even see it the first time. It would be much more clear if you could start with the Payment area at the top left (just a cosmetic suggestion to make things easier for visitors).

    Hope I am not bugging you too much! 🙂 I used to design user interfaces as a grad student before my first job 🙂

    Again many thanks and best regards,

  3. 5

    I agree with Calin Costian about the buttons. The directions say to click “Submit” but the button says “send email”…very confusing. And the button to pay with PayPal should be much bigger. I, too, missed it the first time.

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